

Teams are welcome to submit any kind of idea to the D4SD challenge including urban designs, policies, products, services, or any combination of those

Policy icon


The Policy solution angle involves developing actionable frameworks, ordinances, or incentives that promote affordable housing construction and address inequities to build inclusive, vibrant communities in San Diego.

Products icon


The product solution angle focuses on providing innovative tools, applications, and physical products like health kits or mobile apps that improve the quality of life and mitigate housing challenges for San Diego residents.

Other submissions icon

Other submission types

Teams should not feel constrained by these four categories. We welcome any other interdisciplinary solutions that incorporate multiple elements from architecture, policy, products, and services to tackle housing insecurity from unique and innovative perspectives.

Architecture icon

Architecture/Urban Design

The Architecture/Urban Design solution angle involves creating a blueprint or vision for transforming San Diego’s built environment, such as site plans, architectural renderings, or urban designs that make spaces more affordable, accessible, and safe.

Services icon


The Services solution angle focuses on providing comprehensive support programs, such as affordable housing initiatives, healthcare access, mental health and substance abuse treatment, job training, and housing navigation services, to meet the diverse needs of individuals facing housing insecurity in San Diego.


Pitch deck components

For your project submission, you need to submit a slide deck summarizing your entire process from problem identification to the proposed solution. Ensure your presentation is clear and visually engaging. The following section outlines the components to include:

  • Introduction (1 slide): Start with a title slide that includes the project name, team members, team roles, and contact information.
  • Background on the Problem (1–2 slides): Summarize the problem your project addresses with a strong hook. Explain the significance of the problem, who it affects and their and why it is important to solve. Include a problem statement and a how might we question indicating the problem your team intends to address through your research and proposed solution.
  • Research Overview (1–2 slides): Provide an overview of the research conducted, whether primary and/or secondary. Include methods (online search, surveys, interviews, etc.) and highlight key findings with visuals like graphs or charts.
  • Proposed Solution (1–2 slides): Describe your proposed solution and how it addresses the problem. Discuss its potential impact, sustainability, and implementation. Ask for feedback or support from community members to refine your approach. Conclude with a call to action or next steps.
  • Optional Additional Content (1–2 slides): Use these slides for any extra details, visuals, or content that supports your project.
  • D4SD logo: All of the slides of the pitch deck will require the D4SD logo
  • Final Slide

Participant eligibility

  1. Anyone can participate in D4SD 2024, including those outside the San Diego Region
  2. Pitch decks can be submitted either individually or in teams of up to 6 members
  3. Individuals are only allowed one submission

Submission file format

Slide Deck: Submit a PDF of your pitch deck (consisting of all your slides).

Project Title



Explore our pitch deck example here

Submission deadline

This year’s challenge is now open for submissions! Individuals or teams must submit their application via the Google form with a PDF of their pitch deck by 11:59 PM on Friday, October 25, 2024. Teams with valid submissions will be invited to showcase their pitch deck in person from at the World Design Policy Conference. To be considered for the Innovation Award, teams must attend the World Design Policy Conference and present to be eligible for the awards

Submit now


Pitch deck components

Experts in housing and homelessness will judge your design proposal based on several key factors. Each factor is necessary to ensure your project not only addresses a real problem but also showcases innovation, equity, and impact. Here is a breakdown of the evaluation criteria:

  1. Problem Identification & Relevance: Judges will assess how well your project captures an existing and current problem in the San Diego region. This includes the clarity of the issue and recognition of any important unsolved problem.
  2. Human-Centered Approach: The project must demonstrate empathy and prioritize the needs, behaviors, and experiences of the stakeholders affected by the problem.
  3. Novelty: Judges will evaluate whether your solution offers a novel approach to the problem, going beyond conventional methods and showcasing creativity and innovation.
  4. Potential for Impact: The project should introduce meaningful, sustainable solutions that significantly enhance the well-being of the San Diego community, highlighting immediate results while also providing long-term benefits.
  5. Feasibility: The feasibility of your project within the given constraints (time, resources, etc.) and its potential to be scaled or adapted to have a broader impact over time will also be evaluated.
  6. Information Presentation: Judges will evaluate how your project presentation conveys a well-organized, visually cohesive, and clear ideas.


Our D4SD jurors come from the worlds of technology, government, entrepreneurship, and education. They will judge solutions based on six key criteria: Problem Identification, Human-centered process, Novelty, potential for impact, feasibility, and presentation.

Bill Fulton


  • UC San Diego Department of Urban Studies and Planning
  • UC San Diego Design Lab


Our D4SD jurors come from the worlds of technology, government, entrepreneurship, and education. They will judge solutions based on six key criteria: Problem Identification, Human-centered process, Novelty, potential for impact, feasibility, and presentation.

What is D4SD?

Why should I participate in D4SD?